Accounts and Contracts

Nimiq supports three types of accounts and contracts: basic, vesting contract, and hashed time-locked contract.

All accounts and contracts share the following fields:

Element Data type Bytes Description
type uint8 1 0..2: basic, vesting, HTLC; immutable
balance uint64 8 In Luna; mutable


An account controlled by a (set of) private key(s).

Basic Account

A simple account that can hold funds (balance) and is controlled by a private key. The type field is set to 0. No additional properties. No restrictions on when the funds might be used. Most common type. Basic account will automatically be pruned when made empty. It can be replaced by a contract account via a contract creation transaction. All addresses are initially empty basic accounts.


Contract-specific properties are immutable. All incoming transactions will be rejected. Cannot be replaced by other contract accounts. Can only be explicitly pruned (replaced by an empty basic account) when empty. When pruning, contract type & contract-specific properties must be stored in the block body (for reverts).

Contract Creation

Vesting Contract

A vesting contract allows money to be spent in a scheduled way. An initial amount can be made available immediately followed by a scheduled release of the remaining amount.

A vesting contract can be initialized in three different ways, from full/explicit to minimal:


Defining all possible fields:

Element Data type Bytes Description
type uint8 1 Set to 1
balance uint64 8 Must be >= vesting total amount.
vesting start uint32 4 The block height to start with.
vesting step blocks uint32 4 Number of blocks until next vesting step amount should be made available
vesting step amount uint64 8 The amount to be made available each step
vesting total amount uint64 8 The total amount to be spent in all steps added up.

If balance > vesting total amount, then the difference will be made available immediately. The first time a vesting becomes available is at block height of vesting start + vesting step blocks. If vesting total amount does not match an even number of steps, the last step will make the remaining amount available. All other steps have the exact amount as defined in vesting step amount.


Element Data type Bytes Description
type uint8 1 Set to 1
balance uint64 8 Must be >= vesting total amount.
vesting start uint32 4 The block height to start with.
vesting step blocks uint32 4 Number of blocks until next vesting step amount should be made available
vesting step amount uint64 8 The amount to be made available each step

The field vesting total amount is again initialized with balance.


Element Data type Bytes Description
type uint8 1 Set to 1
balance uint64 8 Must be >= vesting total amount.
vesting step blocks uint32 4 Number of blocks until next vesting step amount should be made available

All other fields are initialized automatically: vesting start = 0, vesting step amount = vesting total amount = balance

Hashed Time-Locked Contract

Hashed Time-Locked Contracts (HTLCs) are used for conditional transfers, off-chain payment methods, and cross-chain atomic swaps. HTLC are time-limited. When settling the contract, a pre-image needs to be presented that fits the hash root to transfer the balance.

Element Data type Bytes Description
type uint8 1 Set to 2
balance uint64 8 Must be >= vesting total amount.
sender Address 20 Normally, the sender will provide the amount
recipient Address 20 Signs the contract, usually the receiver of the amount
hash algorithm uint8 1 1 or 3, Blake2b or SHA256; Argon2d not allowed
hash root Hash 32 Hash of pre-image
hash count uint8 1 How many times the proof has been hashed. Must be > 0.
timeout uint32 4 Contract invalid after this amount of blocks
total amount uint64 8  

If balance > total amount, then the difference will go back to the sender.

Recipient signs the contract, but the outgoing transaction can go to somebody else, as long as it’s signed this way, reducing the amount of transactions necessary.