Mining Pool protocol


Client modes

The Nimiq Mining Pool protocol currently describes two client modes: smart and nano.


In smart-mode, the client is fully responsible for creating blocks. The client operates as a solo-miner would do (and is also capable of doing a graceful fallback to solo mining). The server only describes the values to be used as a miner address and in the extraData field of a block.

The smart-mode Pool Miner requires a Nimiq light- or full-node.


In nano-mode, the client only validates that the pool asks for the correct chain to be operated on. The server provides all necessary details for the client to build the block, as long as it operates on a chain known to the client. This mode is similar to getblocktemplate-based protocols on Bitcoin.

The nano-mode Pool Miner requires a Nimiq node of any kind, a nano-node is sufficient.

Network communication

A secure websocket connection is used as a transport layer for client-server communication. All messages are exchanged as a single WebSocket frame.


All messages follow the same structure: they consist of a JSON-encoded object with a property named message as well as message specific properties.


Send by client directly after connecting to the server.

Parameter Type Description
mode string, nano or smart The mode this client uses
address string The address (in IBAN-style format) that should be rewarded for the miner actions
deviceId number, uint32 The clients device id. This ID should be unique for the device and stored, such that it stays the same after restarts
deviceData object, optional A JSON object including stats about the device. The format of this JSON should be defined by the pool operator
genesisHash string Base64 encoded hash of the genesis block used by the client
    "message": "register",
    "mode": "nano",
    "address": "NQ07 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000",
    "deviceId": 12345678,
    "deviceData": {
      "groupLabel": "AWS Skylakes"
    "genesisHash": "Jkqvik+YKKdsVQY12geOtGYwahifzANxC+6fZJyGnRI="


Sent by the server after a succesful registration. Does not include parameters.

     "message": "registered"


Sent by the server to announce new mining settings.

Parameter Type Description
address string The address (in IBAN-style format) that the client should use as a miner address for future shares
extraData string Base64 encoded buffer that the client should use in the extraData field for future shares
targetCompact number, uint32 The maximum allowed hash value for future shares, in compact form
nonce number, uint64 A number used once that is associated with this connection
    "message": "settings",
    "address": "NQ07 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000",
    "extraData": "J8riQiN1lgXT6QYlsdWMKA+qEWxCPYycjZ19zsk1...",
    "targetCompact": 520159232,
    "nonce": 1030036789885656

new-block (nano)

Sent by the server to announce a new block that should be used by a client running in nano-mode.

Parameter Type Description
bodyHash string Base64 encoded hash of the block body
accountsHash string Base64 encoded hash of the accounts tree after applying the block body
previousBlock string Base64 encoded light block that is the predecessor of the block to be mined
    "message": "new-block",
    "bodyHash": "rCBGsSJGOOo82af+MhRXb7Dj+lb0oRzrN0EXBg7Jh4g=",
    "accountsHash": "9GgRxMDSVUpePCyUDKuAw3hmHeMEj7Y77GsWEssd2qU=",
    "previousBlock": "AAHL9kSzaU/uVRSsBVRSlYrx7Dw7NUSFDCWIDhY/..."


Sent by client when a valid share was found.

Parameters (nano)
Parameter Type Description
block string Base64 encoded light block
Parameters (smart)
Parameter Type Description
blockHeader string Base64 encoded block header
minerAddrProof string Base64 encoded inclusion proof for the minerAddr field in the block body
extraDataProof string Base64 encoded inclusion proof for the extraData field in the block body
block string, optional Base64 encoded full block. May only be sent if the block is a valid block so that the pool server is faster in picking it up
Example (nano)
    "message": "share",
    "block": "AAHL9kSzaU/uVRSsBVRSlYrx7Dw7NUSFDCWIDhY/..."
Example (smart)
    "message": "share",
    "blockHeader": "AAHL9kSzaU/uVRSsBVRSlYrx7Dw7NUSFDCWIDhY/...",
    "minerAddrProof": "IXd9Hbms/FWTUl5YEYa5ztf6N9eIz+nIfswDOqGk...",
    "extraDataProof": "aZiypZ9S4qvSYbG4dBX4ww9TwOdKeLB+KRwNc0eP..."


Sent by the server if the client sent an invalid share. The server may send this message at most once per share.

Parameter Type Description
reason string A user-readable string explaining why the server denied the share
    "message": "error",
    "reason": "Invalid PoW"


Sent by the server to announce the balance that is currently hold by the pool for the address the user announced on register.

The server may send this message at any time after the client registered. A new balance message does not imply any balance changes.

Parameter Type Description
balance number The current balance of the user in the smallest possible unit. This includes funds that are not yet confirmed on the blockchain
confirmedBalance number The current balance of the user in the smallest possible unit. This only includes funds that operator considers confirmed and are available for payout
payoutRequestActive boolean true, if there is a payout request waiting for the user, false otherwise
    "message": "balance",
    "balance": 123010221,
    "confirmedBalance": 122010202,
    "payoutRequestActive": false


Sent by the client to request payout from the server. Depending on server configuration, manual payout may be suspect to an additional fee.

Parameter Type Description
proof string Base64 encoded signature proof of the string POOL_PAYOUT, concatenated with the byte representation of the connection nonce.
    "message": "payout",
    "proof": "J4VEpFwKNoklkyeUCvzBvixate3yPbDyYfWSusF/..."